
中美移交无人潜航器 美国五角大楼称该潜航器属于非保密项目

 时间:2016-12-21 07:47:45编辑:李梦来源:鄂东综合

  【中美移交无人潜航器 美国五角大楼称该潜航器属于非保密项目】针对美国媒体报道称,中国将在20日归还美国潜航器,国防部新闻局回应《》问询时称,中美双方已经顺利移交无人潜航器。

中美移交无人潜航器 美国五角大楼称该潜航器属于非保密项目mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

中美移交无人潜航器 美国五角大楼称该潜航器属于非保密项目mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


中美移交无人潜航器 美国五角大楼称该潜航器属于非保密项目mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


中美移交无人潜航器 美国五角大楼称该潜航器属于非保密项目mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn







  China has agreed to return a US navy submarine drone seized by the Chinese navy in the South China Sea following a formal protest from Washington。mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


  “We have registered our objection to China’s unlawful seizure of a US unmanned underwater vehicle operating in international waters in the South China Sea,” said Peter Cook, Pentagon spokesman。 “Through direct engagement with Chinese authorities, we have secured an understanding that the Chinese will return the UUV (drone) to the US。”mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  “我们已就中国非法捕获在南中国海国际海域作业的一具美国无人水下潜航器提出抗议,”五角大楼(Pentagon)发言人彼得。库克(Peter Cook)说,“通过与中国当局直接接触,我们得到保证,中方将把该无人水下潜航器(UUV)交还美方。”mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  The seizure of the drone by the Chinese navy marked a sharp escalation in already rising tensions between the two countries。mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


  A US defence official said the device was grabbed as it was being operated by the USNS Bowditch, a survey vessel。mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


  The Obama administration issued a formal démarche after the incident, the most dramatic recent flashpoint between the US and China in the South China Sea, where disputes over islands and resources have become a geopolitical faultline and prompted persistent friction between the two countries’ navies。mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


  President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday criticised the seizure of the drone。 “China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters — rips it out of water and takes it to China in unpresidented [sic] act,” he wrote on Twitter。mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  上周六,美国当选总统唐纳德。特朗普(Donald Trump)对中国扣留美国无人潜航器进行了批评。他在Twitter上写道:“中国在国际海域偷走美国海军研究无人潜航器——史无前例地从水里捞起,就这么把它带到了中国。”mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  After the Pentagon’s announcement, Mr Trump on Saturday evening weighed in again on the situation on Twitter: “We should tell China that we don’t want the drone they stole back — let them keep it!”mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


  China’s defence ministry said on Saturday night that one of its navy vessels had picked up the drone “to prevent it endangering the ship’s navigation and crew”。mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


  It said that it would hand it back to the US “in an appropriate manner” but it criticised the US response to the incident, which it said was “not conducive” to resolving the dispute smoothly。mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


  The defence ministry also reiterated its opposition to US military reconnaissance activities in what it called “China’s waters”。mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


  It said simply that “China and the US are handling this incident properly through military channels on both sides”。mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


  The seizure came days after Mr Trump appeared to challenge Beijing by speaking on the phone with the president of Taiwan and suggesting that he would consider abandoning US policy over the island if China did not make concessions to the US over other issues, including the South China Sea。mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


  “This is the opening shot, the first pArt of the Chinese response to push back against Trump over Taiwan,” said Harry Kazianis, director of defence studies at the Center for the National Interest in Washington。mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  华盛顿国家利益中心(Center for the National Interest)防务研究负责人Harry Kazianis表示:“此举是第一枪,是中国反击特朗普对台政策的第一步。”mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  “It is likely that this was a very well choreographed decision from the top。”mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


  Under the “One China” policy, the US recognised Beijing as the legitimate government of China and cut formal diplomatic ties with Taiwan。 However, the US continues to sell arms to Taiwan to help it defend itself from a potential Chinese invasion。mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


  In an interview last weekend, Mr Trump said that he did not see why the US should be bound by the “One China” policy if the Chinese were not willing to enter into a bargain with Washington over issues such as trade。mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


  Asked at a press conference on Friday about the wisdom of threatening to overturn US policy on Taiwan, Mr Obama said that “I think it’s fine for him to take a look at it” but that the president-elect should ensure he was briefed on the potential fallout so that any new approach was adopted “in a systematic, deliberate, intentional way”。 The policy had helped keep the peace while allowing Taiwan to become “a pretty successful economy”。mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


  “The idea of One China is at the heArt of their [Beijing’s] conception as a nation,” he said。 “And so if you are going to upend this understanding, you have to have thought through what the consequences will be because the Chinese will not treat that the way they’ll treat some other issues。”mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


  US officials said that the Bowditch had been operating in international waters 50 nautical miles off the coast of the Philippines and was doing “normal” survey operations。mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


  The drone, an “ocean glider” that is used to gather oceanographic data, had returned to the surface and was waiting to be retrieved by the Bowditch。 At that time, a Chinese naval vessel launched a small boat that picked up the glider。 A radio request to the Chinese to return the drone was ignored。mZG鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


中美移交无人潜航器 美国五角大楼称该潜航器属于非保密项目

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