
中国留学生称美国空气甜 赞美国空气女留学生致歉(4)

 时间:2017-05-23 22:02:08编辑:李梦来源: 综合


中国留学生称美国空气甜 赞美国空气女留学生致歉KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn


  Good afternoon ,faculty students parents and friends。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  I am truly honored and grateful to speak at the commencement for the University of Maryland, Class of 2017。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  People often ask me: Why did you come to the University of Maryland?KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  I always answer: Fresh air。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  Five years ago, as I step off the plane from China, and left the terminal at Dallas Airport。 I was ready to put on one of my five face masks, but when I took my first breath of American air。 I put my mask away。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  The air was so sweet and fresh, and oddly luxurious。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  I was surprised by this。 I grew up in a city in China, where I had to wear a face mask every time I went outside, otherwise, I might get sick。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  However, the moment I inhaled and exhaled outside the airport。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  I felt free。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  No more fog on my glasses, no more difficult breathing, no more suppression。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  Every breath was a delight。 As I stand here today, I cannot help, but recall that feeling of freedom。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  At the University of Maryland, I assume feel another kind of fresh air for which I will be forever grateful — the fresh air of free speech。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  Before I came to United States, I learned in history class about the Declaration of Independence, but these words had no meaning to me— Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  I was merely memorizing the words to get good grades。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

中国留学生称美国空气甜 赞美国空气女留学生致歉

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