
中国留学生称美国空气甜 赞美国空气女留学生致歉(5)

 时间:2017-05-23 22:02:08编辑:李梦来源: 综合

  These words sounded so strange, so abstract and so foreign to me, until I came to University of Maryland。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  I have leaned the right to freely express oneself is sacred in American。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  Each day in Maryland, I was encouraged to express my opinions on controversial issues。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  I could challenge a statement made by my instructor。 I could even rate my professors online。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  But nothing prepared me for the culture shock I experienced when I watched a university production of the play— Twilight: Los Angeles。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  Twilight is a play by Anna Deavere Smith about the 1992 Los Angeles Riots。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  The riots followed acquittal of four Los Angeles police officers in the videotaped arrest and beating of Rodney King。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  For six days, the city was in chaos as citizens took to the streets。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  In Twilight, the student actors were openly talking about racism, sexism and politics。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  I was shocked, I never saw such topic could be discussed openly。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  The play was my first taste of political storytelling, one that makes the audience think critically。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  I have always had a burning desire to tell these kinds of stories, but I was convinced that only authorities on the narrative, only authorities could define the truth。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  However, the opportunity to immerse myself in the diverse community at the University of Maryland exposed me to various, many different perspectives on truth。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  I soon realized that here I have the opportunity to speak freely。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  My voice matters。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  Your voice matters。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  Our voices matter。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  Civil engagement is not a task just for politicians。 I have witnessed this when I saw my fellow students marching in Washington DC, voting in the presidential election and raising money for support various causes。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  I have seen that everyone has a right to pArticipate and advocate for change。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  I used to believe that one individual pArticipation could not make a difference, but here we are, United Terps。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  Together, we can push our society to be more just open and peaceful。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  Class of 2017, we are graduating from a university that embraces a liberal Arts education that nurtures us to think critically, and also to care and feel for humanity。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  We are equipped with the knowledge of various disciplines and we are ready to face to the challenges of our society。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  ome of us may go to graduate school, some us may step into professions and some of us may begin a journey of exploration。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  But no matter what we do, remember, democracy and free speech should not be taken for granted。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  Democracy and freedom are the fresh air that is worth fighting for。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  Freedom is oxygen。 Freedom is passion。 Freedom is love。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  And as a French philosopher Jean Paul SArtre once said: freedom is a choice, our future is dependent on the choices we make today and tomorrow。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  We are all playwrights of the next chapters of our lives。 Together, we right the human history。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  My friends, enjoy the fresh air and never let it go。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

  Thank you。KUc鄂东网|www.xianzhaiwang.cn

中国留学生称美国空气甜 赞美国空气女留学生致歉

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  1. 1取消婚礼宴请穷人原因 取消婚礼宴请穷人慷慨布施
  2. 2大陆女子赴台卖淫 大陆女子赴台卖淫好淫荡!
  3. 3圣湖裸照摄影师被拘 全裸照曝光
  4. 4搬砖成高薪职业 她都去啦!
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  6. 6安全套试用员辛酸 性欲过度受不了
  7. 72016北影艺考日小鲜肉云集 北京电影学院2016艺考启幕
  8. 8外围女真实生活揭秘 “商务模特”称给钱就行
  9. 9新郎被绑电线杆 中国式结婚陋习闹洞房竟有这么多花样
  10. 10外围女程一蜜真空夜跑 程一蜜是谁程一蜜爆乳大尺度私照
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