

 时间:2015-09-19 22:22:19编辑:来源:www.xianzhaiwang.cn


Kanas,in a valley in the Altai Mountains, is located near the very northern tip of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. "Kanas" is a Mongolian word meaning "lake in the canyon." The area is famous for its mysterious and wild landscape and especially its legendary lake. When September comes, Kanas enters a golden season. The plants covered by the golden sunshine, the lake in the near distance, the snow-capped mountains in the backdrop, the small wooden houses and the strolling herds of cattle and sheep, create a fairytale view. [Photo by Chen Xiangzhao / China.org.cn]


Kanas,in a valley in the Altai Mountains, is located near the very northern tip of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. "Kanas" is a Mongolian word meaning "lake in the canyon." The area is famous for its mysterious and wild landscape and especially its legendary lake. When September comes, Kanas enters a golden season. The plants covered by the golden sunshine, the lake in the near distance, the snow-capped mountains in the backdrop, the small wooden houses and the strolling herds of cattle and sheep, create a fairytale view. [Photo by Chen Xiangzhao / China.org.cn]


Kanas,in a valley in the Altai Mountains, is located near the very northern tip of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. "Kanas" is a Mongolian word meaning "lake in the canyon." The area is famous for its mysterious and wild landscape and especially its legendary lake. When September comes, Kanas enters a golden season. The plants covered by the golden sunshine, the lake in the near distance, the snow-capped mountains in the backdrop, the small wooden houses and the strolling herds of cattle and sheep, create a fairytale view. [Photo by Chen Xiangzhao / China.org.cn]


Kanas,in a valley in the Altai Mountains, is located near the very northern tip of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. "Kanas" is a Mongolian word meaning "lake in the canyon." The area is famous for its mysterious and wild landscape and especially its legendary lake. When September comes, Kanas enters a golden season. The plants covered by the golden sunshine, the lake in the near distance, the snow-capped mountains in the backdrop, the small wooden houses and the strolling herds of cattle and sheep, create a fairytale view. [Photo by Chen Xiangzhao / China.org.cn]


Kanas,in a valley in the Altai Mountains, is located near the very northern tip of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. "Kanas" is a Mongolian word meaning "lake in the canyon." The area is famous for its mysterious and wild landscape and especially its legendary lake. When September comes, Kanas enters a golden season. The plants covered by the golden sunshine, the lake in the near distance, the snow-capped mountains in the backdrop, the small wooden houses and the strolling herds of cattle and sheep, create a fairytale view. [Photo by Chen Xiangzhao / China.org.cn]


Kanas,in a valley in the Altai Mountains, is located near the very northern tip of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. "Kanas" is a Mongolian word meaning "lake in the canyon." The area is famous for its mysterious and wild landscape and especially its legendary lake. When September comes, Kanas enters a golden season. The plants covered by the golden sunshine, the lake in the near distance, the snow-capped mountains in the backdrop, the small wooden houses and the strolling herds of cattle and sheep, create a fairytale view. [Photo by Chen Xiangzhao / China.org.cn]


Kanas,in a valley in the Altai Mountains, is located near the very northern tip of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. "Kanas" is a Mongolian word meaning "lake in the canyon." The area is famous for its mysterious and wild landscape and especially its legendary lake. When September comes, Kanas enters a golden season. The plants covered by the golden sunshine, the lake in the near distance, the snow-capped mountains in the backdrop, the small wooden houses and the strolling herds of cattle and sheep, create a fairytale view. [Photo by Chen Xiangzhao / China.org.cn]



文章地址: http://www.xianzhaiwang.cn/ent/98219.html

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